- 1h 57m
Viy. King of the Land
An internationally renowned play which has graced some of the best stages of Europe. In it, director Vlad Troitsky addresses Ukraine's culture, authenticity, folk traditions and beliefs. This is a production based on Nikolai Gogol's novella titled "Viy" in the interpretation of the modern playwright KLIM. The brilliant acting of the Swiss and Ukrainian actors is accompanied by live music from the ethno-chaos band DakhaBrakha, which "sounds like a resonant musical polyphony, completing the performance with a mysterious sensual atmosphere." (Nota bene)
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Wesprzyj teatrGatunki:
- DKDmytro Kostiumynskyi
- VMVolodymyr Minenko
- MHMarko Halanevych
- ACAnatoliy Cherkov
- NBNatalka Bida
- SMSolomia Melnyk
- ZZZo
- RKRuslana Khazipova
- THTetiana Havryliuk
- TTTetiana Troitska
- DYDmytro Yaroshenko
- NHNina Harenetska
- OTOlena Tsybulska
- IHIryna Horban
- VLVictoria Lytvynenko
Roman Yasinovskyi
- PDPierre-Antoine Dubey
- BSBartek Sozanski
- IKIryna Kovalenko